Monday, January 31, 2011

The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is Back!

Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out is bringing back his April challenge - blogging Mondays through Saturdays in April with a different letter of the alphabet each day. As he says:

"You can post essays, short pieces of fiction, poetry, recipes, travel sketches, or anything else you would like to write about. You don't have to be a writer to do this. You can post photos, including samples of your own art or craftwork. Everyone who blogs can post from A to Z."

I'd like to see the #fridayflash group involved in this. Go read Arlee's full post here...I'll wait. While you're there, sign up for it! I know that Rachael Blackbirdsong of Ravenwood has already done so. I'd love to see many more of you signed up...perhaps with artwork or haikus? Short stories or recipes? Yeah, you know I'm talking to you.

To make it really interesting for myself, I'm going to incorporate my #fridayflash into it as well. The Fridays are the letters A, G, M, S and Y, in case you're wondering.

Join in the fun!

Update: Fridayflash people who've joined the fun! (If you've joined, leave me a comment and I'll add you here)